“None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful” - Mother Theresa

Frontend Development Project

Tri State Service Foundation Website

Development Stack

(subject to change)

  • Hosting Platform:

    • Google Cloud

  • Database:

    • Postgres

  • Development Languages:

    • Javascript

    • HTML/CSS

    • React

Project Requirements

(more detail requirements will follow)

  • Muti Platform.

    • Must run in desktop, tablet, smart Phone

    • iOS, Android, MacOs, Windows,

  • Non Profits to sign up

    • Name, address, contact information

    • Create Events

  • Volunteer Sign up

    • Name, contact information, etc

  • Match Event with Volunteer

  • Send information to respective non-profit