Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them. “ - Steve Jobs


Website Design and Hosting

  • We use either SquareSpace or BlueHost hosting companies

  • We use your domain.

    • If you dont have one, we can help you get one.

  • We build it but we also teach you how to maintain it, saving you money in the future.

  • We can also host your website, saving you monthly fees.  We host your site under either:

    • <company name> (*)

    • <company name> (*)


  • Setup wired and wireless networks

  • Help with basic software setup.  This includes but not limited to:

    • Installing Windows or macOS

    • Maintenance of applications

    • Create and maintain backups

  • For anything else not listed, give us a call or send us a message.

    • if we dont know how, we will find somebody who can!(*)

(*) Pricing when outside of TekForward are given by company doing the work